10-05 06:01 PM
they responded today to USCIS, nothing much here I guess...
one of the forms had my birth date wrong, so USCIS was asking for the actual birth date.
one of the forms had my birth date wrong, so USCIS was asking for the actual birth date.
wallpaper pal Sterling Knight!
09-01 11:08 AM
What's particularly interesting is the number of 'scare words' used in this selected testimony on aspects of the CIR bill. Its a lot like Loo Dobbs "War" on the middle class. Its clear CIS, Nusa, FAIR provide the script to him on immigration matters. I knew Loo wasn't that creative in the first place
Chairmen Sensenbrenner and Hostettler, Ranking Members Conyers and Jackson Lee, members of Congress, distinguished members of the panel, ladies and gentlemen. It is a distinct honor and privilege to provide testimony at this hearing because the topic of the hearing is of truly critical significance. We are here to avert what I believe would be a catastrophe for the United States. The United States Senate passed a bill, S. 2611, that would provide incentives for a massive influx of illegal aliens, aided, abetted and induced to violate our nation’s immigration laws at a time that our nation is confronting the continuing threat of terrorism and the increasing involvement of violent gangs, comprised predominantly of deportable aliens, in a wide variety of violent crimes committed against our nation’s citizens. It is of critical importance that this hearing and others like it, illuminate why S. 2611 would expose our nation to unreasonable vulnerabilities especially in the post-9/11 world.
A nation’s primary responsibility is to provide for the safety and security of its citizens and yet, for reasons I cannot begin to fathom, the members of the Senate who voted for S. 2611 are seemingly oblivious to the lessons that the disastrous amnesty of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) should have taught us. That piece of legislation lead to the greatest influx of illegal aliens in the history of our nation. Fraud and a lack of integrity of the immigration system not only flooded our nation with illegal aliens who ran our borders, hoping that what had been billed as a “one time” amnesty would be repeated, but it also enabled a number of terrorists and many criminals to enter the United States and then embed themselves in the United States.
A notable example of such a terrorist can be found in a review of the facts concerning Mahmud Abouhalima, a citizen of Egypt who entered the United States on a tourist visa, overstayed his authorized period of admission and then applied for amnesty under the agricultural worker provisions of IRCA. He succeeded in obtaining resident alien status through this process. During a 5 year period he drove a cab and had his license suspended numerous times for violations of law and ultimately demonstrated his appreciation for our nation’s generosity by participating in the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 that left 6 people dead, hundreds of people injured and an estimated one half billion dollars in damage inflicted, on that iconic, ill-fated complex. America had opened its doors to him so that he might participate in the “American Dream.” He turned that dream into our worst nightmare. The other terrorists who attacked our nation on subsequent attacks, including the attacks of September 11, 2001, similarly exploited our generosity, seeing in our nation’s kindness, weakness, gaming the immigration system to enter our country and then, hide in plain sight, among us.
As I recall, when IRCA was proposed, one of the selling points was that along with amnesty for what was believed to have been a population of some 1.5 million illegal aliens would be a new approach to turn off what has been described as the “magnet” that draws the majority of illegal aliens into the United States in the first place, the prospect of securing employment in the United States. In order to accomplish this important goal, IRCA imposed penalties against those unscrupulous employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens. My former colleagues and I were pleased to see that under the employer sanctions of IRCA, the unscrupulous employers of illegal aliens would be made accountable, or so we thought. We were frustrated that we had seen all too many employers hire illegal aliens and treat them horrendously They paid them sub-standard wages and created unsafe, indeed hazardous working conditions for the illegal aliens they hired, knowing full well that these aliens would not complain because they feared being reported to the INS. Meanwhile the employer would not face any penalty for his outrageous conduct. Finally, it seemed that the employer sanctions provisions of IRCA would discourage employers from hiring illegal aliens and would also make it less likely they would treat their employees as miserably as some of these employers did.
Of course, we now know that the relative handful of special agents who were assigned to conduct investigations of employers who hired illegal aliens made it unlikely that employers would face a significant risk of being caught violating these laws and that they would face an even smaller chance of being seriously fined. Furthermore, the way that the amnesty provisions of the law were enacted simply created a cottage industry of fraud document vendors who provided illegal aliens with counterfeit or altered identity documents and supporting documents to enable the illegal alien population to circumvent the immigration laws. Ultimately approximately 3.5 million illegal aliens emerged from the infamous shadows to participate in the amnesty program of 1986. I have never seen an explanation for the reason that more than twice as many aliens took advantage of the 1986 amnesty than was initially believed would but I believe that two factors came into play. It may well be that the number of illegal aliens in the country was underestimated. I also believe, however, that a large number of illegal aliens were able to gain entry into the United States long after the cutoff point and succeeded in making false claims that they had been present in the country for the requisite period of time.
To put this in perspective, I have read various estimates about the number of illegal aliens who are currently present in the United States. These estimates range from a low of 12 million to a high of 20 million. If, for argument sake, we figure on a number of 15 million illegal aliens, or ten times the number that had been estimated prior to the amnesty of 1986, and if the same sort of under counting occurs and if a comparable percentage of aliens succeed in racing into the United States and making a false claims that they had been here for the necessary period of time to be eligible to participate in the amnesty program that the Reid-Kennedy provisions would reward illegal aliens with, then we might expect some 35 million illegal aliens will ultimately participate in this insane program. Once they become citizens they would then be eligible to file applications to bring their family members to the United States, flooding our nation with tens of millions of additional new lawful immigrations while our nation’s porous borders, visa waiver program and extreme lack of resources to enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States would allow many millions of illegal aliens to continue to enter the United States in violation of law.
The utterly inept and incompetent USCIS, which is now unable to carry out it’s most basic missions with even a modicum of integrity would undoubtedly disintegrate. The system would simply implode, crushed by the burden of its vicious cycle of attempting to deal with an ever increasing spiral of rampant fraud thereby encouraging still more fraudulent applications to be filed. Terrorists would not find gaming this system the least bit challenging and our government will have become their unwitting ally, providing them with official identity documents in false names and then, ultimately, providing them with the keys to the kingdom by conferring resident aliens status and then, United States citizenship upon those who would destroy our nation and slaughter our citizens.
I hope that this doomsday scenario will not be permitted to play out.
Insanity has been described as doing the same things the same way and expecting a different result. Where our nation’s security is concerned it would be indeed, insane to ignore the lessons of IRCA.
When I was a boy my dad used to tell me that there were no mistakes in life, only lessons, provided we learn from what goes wrong and make the appropriate changes in the way we do things. However, to repeat the same mistakes was to him and to me, simply unforgivable.
Chairmen Sensenbrenner and Hostettler, I commend your leadership in calling this hearing to make certain that these concerns are made public and are taken into account, especially as we approach the anniversary of the fifth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 and our nation continues to grapple with the immigration crisis.
America is at historic crossroads at this moment in time. Courageous decisions need to be made by our nation’s leaders. If our nation fails to select the proper path, there will be no going back. If our nation decides to provide amnesty to millions of undocumented and illegal aliens, I fear that our national security will suffer irreparable harm as we aid and abet alien terrorists who seek to enter our country and embed themselves within it in preparation for the deadly attacks they would carry out. The priority must be clear, national security must be given the highest consideration and priority where the security of our nation’s borders and the integrity of the immigration system are concerned.
Chairmen Sensenbrenner and Hostettler, Ranking Members Conyers and Jackson Lee, members of Congress, distinguished members of the panel, ladies and gentlemen. It is a distinct honor and privilege to provide testimony at this hearing because the topic of the hearing is of truly critical significance. We are here to avert what I believe would be a catastrophe for the United States. The United States Senate passed a bill, S. 2611, that would provide incentives for a massive influx of illegal aliens, aided, abetted and induced to violate our nation’s immigration laws at a time that our nation is confronting the continuing threat of terrorism and the increasing involvement of violent gangs, comprised predominantly of deportable aliens, in a wide variety of violent crimes committed against our nation’s citizens. It is of critical importance that this hearing and others like it, illuminate why S. 2611 would expose our nation to unreasonable vulnerabilities especially in the post-9/11 world.
A nation’s primary responsibility is to provide for the safety and security of its citizens and yet, for reasons I cannot begin to fathom, the members of the Senate who voted for S. 2611 are seemingly oblivious to the lessons that the disastrous amnesty of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) should have taught us. That piece of legislation lead to the greatest influx of illegal aliens in the history of our nation. Fraud and a lack of integrity of the immigration system not only flooded our nation with illegal aliens who ran our borders, hoping that what had been billed as a “one time” amnesty would be repeated, but it also enabled a number of terrorists and many criminals to enter the United States and then embed themselves in the United States.
A notable example of such a terrorist can be found in a review of the facts concerning Mahmud Abouhalima, a citizen of Egypt who entered the United States on a tourist visa, overstayed his authorized period of admission and then applied for amnesty under the agricultural worker provisions of IRCA. He succeeded in obtaining resident alien status through this process. During a 5 year period he drove a cab and had his license suspended numerous times for violations of law and ultimately demonstrated his appreciation for our nation’s generosity by participating in the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 that left 6 people dead, hundreds of people injured and an estimated one half billion dollars in damage inflicted, on that iconic, ill-fated complex. America had opened its doors to him so that he might participate in the “American Dream.” He turned that dream into our worst nightmare. The other terrorists who attacked our nation on subsequent attacks, including the attacks of September 11, 2001, similarly exploited our generosity, seeing in our nation’s kindness, weakness, gaming the immigration system to enter our country and then, hide in plain sight, among us.
As I recall, when IRCA was proposed, one of the selling points was that along with amnesty for what was believed to have been a population of some 1.5 million illegal aliens would be a new approach to turn off what has been described as the “magnet” that draws the majority of illegal aliens into the United States in the first place, the prospect of securing employment in the United States. In order to accomplish this important goal, IRCA imposed penalties against those unscrupulous employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens. My former colleagues and I were pleased to see that under the employer sanctions of IRCA, the unscrupulous employers of illegal aliens would be made accountable, or so we thought. We were frustrated that we had seen all too many employers hire illegal aliens and treat them horrendously They paid them sub-standard wages and created unsafe, indeed hazardous working conditions for the illegal aliens they hired, knowing full well that these aliens would not complain because they feared being reported to the INS. Meanwhile the employer would not face any penalty for his outrageous conduct. Finally, it seemed that the employer sanctions provisions of IRCA would discourage employers from hiring illegal aliens and would also make it less likely they would treat their employees as miserably as some of these employers did.
Of course, we now know that the relative handful of special agents who were assigned to conduct investigations of employers who hired illegal aliens made it unlikely that employers would face a significant risk of being caught violating these laws and that they would face an even smaller chance of being seriously fined. Furthermore, the way that the amnesty provisions of the law were enacted simply created a cottage industry of fraud document vendors who provided illegal aliens with counterfeit or altered identity documents and supporting documents to enable the illegal alien population to circumvent the immigration laws. Ultimately approximately 3.5 million illegal aliens emerged from the infamous shadows to participate in the amnesty program of 1986. I have never seen an explanation for the reason that more than twice as many aliens took advantage of the 1986 amnesty than was initially believed would but I believe that two factors came into play. It may well be that the number of illegal aliens in the country was underestimated. I also believe, however, that a large number of illegal aliens were able to gain entry into the United States long after the cutoff point and succeeded in making false claims that they had been present in the country for the requisite period of time.
To put this in perspective, I have read various estimates about the number of illegal aliens who are currently present in the United States. These estimates range from a low of 12 million to a high of 20 million. If, for argument sake, we figure on a number of 15 million illegal aliens, or ten times the number that had been estimated prior to the amnesty of 1986, and if the same sort of under counting occurs and if a comparable percentage of aliens succeed in racing into the United States and making a false claims that they had been here for the necessary period of time to be eligible to participate in the amnesty program that the Reid-Kennedy provisions would reward illegal aliens with, then we might expect some 35 million illegal aliens will ultimately participate in this insane program. Once they become citizens they would then be eligible to file applications to bring their family members to the United States, flooding our nation with tens of millions of additional new lawful immigrations while our nation’s porous borders, visa waiver program and extreme lack of resources to enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States would allow many millions of illegal aliens to continue to enter the United States in violation of law.
The utterly inept and incompetent USCIS, which is now unable to carry out it’s most basic missions with even a modicum of integrity would undoubtedly disintegrate. The system would simply implode, crushed by the burden of its vicious cycle of attempting to deal with an ever increasing spiral of rampant fraud thereby encouraging still more fraudulent applications to be filed. Terrorists would not find gaming this system the least bit challenging and our government will have become their unwitting ally, providing them with official identity documents in false names and then, ultimately, providing them with the keys to the kingdom by conferring resident aliens status and then, United States citizenship upon those who would destroy our nation and slaughter our citizens.
I hope that this doomsday scenario will not be permitted to play out.
Insanity has been described as doing the same things the same way and expecting a different result. Where our nation’s security is concerned it would be indeed, insane to ignore the lessons of IRCA.
When I was a boy my dad used to tell me that there were no mistakes in life, only lessons, provided we learn from what goes wrong and make the appropriate changes in the way we do things. However, to repeat the same mistakes was to him and to me, simply unforgivable.
Chairmen Sensenbrenner and Hostettler, I commend your leadership in calling this hearing to make certain that these concerns are made public and are taken into account, especially as we approach the anniversary of the fifth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 and our nation continues to grapple with the immigration crisis.
America is at historic crossroads at this moment in time. Courageous decisions need to be made by our nation’s leaders. If our nation fails to select the proper path, there will be no going back. If our nation decides to provide amnesty to millions of undocumented and illegal aliens, I fear that our national security will suffer irreparable harm as we aid and abet alien terrorists who seek to enter our country and embed themselves within it in preparation for the deadly attacks they would carry out. The priority must be clear, national security must be given the highest consideration and priority where the security of our nation’s borders and the integrity of the immigration system are concerned.
07-20 03:19 AM
Lately the members of IV have come to know that Aman Kapoor, the co-founder of IV has sold his house and spent around $64000/- towards the administrative costs of IV. This too was brought to our attention from a regular member like you and me, without which this would not have come to our knowledge at all.
So some of the members have taken an initiative to reimburse Aman and other core IV team members with the expenses they have incurred so far towards the administrative costs of IV. Note that the time they have spent and the sufferings cannot be compensated. Let us do the least by atleast compensating the money. Please do not donate directly to IV funds.
There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing the administrative costs of IV.
Could you please pledge an amount ?
So some of the members have taken an initiative to reimburse Aman and other core IV team members with the expenses they have incurred so far towards the administrative costs of IV. Note that the time they have spent and the sufferings cannot be compensated. Let us do the least by atleast compensating the money. Please do not donate directly to IV funds.
There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing the administrative costs of IV.
Could you please pledge an amount ?

10-13 02:54 PM
Be decent. Look good.
I've been there with a shirt and jeans, sometime shirt and trouser.
But never a tie.
I've been there with a shirt and jeans, sometime shirt and trouser.
But never a tie.
02-19 09:04 PM
I am starting my 10th year on H1 Visa, and thus my company has renewed a few times already. On one of those instances, through ignorance I suppose, my H1 was renewed but my dependents were not. There was an assumption, which I now understand to be wrong, that my renewal would cover my dependents as well. Since after that we have renewed for all of us successfully.
One of the dependents, the wife, traveled out of the country and re entered with a H4 Stamp, which I understand cures her status. My son, however has never done this. We all have I-485's pending and I am worried about what that means for him. I am thinking of travelling out of the country, like Canada, to get our visas stamped and re - enter on the H status.
Question is: Is there any risk in that? If we go to, say Toronto to get the visa renewal, is there any chance that they would deny him? We have the 797 approvals for all of us. The last thing I want is to get stuck outside the country. I have reason to believe we have been pre adjudicated, if this means anything, and it is possible that if I do nothing it would all work out. However, I do not want to take chances with my kid's future.
Any one have any insight? Would going to Canada and returning on H4 cure his status? And are there any risks to this strategy? Thanks for the insight.
One of the dependents, the wife, traveled out of the country and re entered with a H4 Stamp, which I understand cures her status. My son, however has never done this. We all have I-485's pending and I am worried about what that means for him. I am thinking of travelling out of the country, like Canada, to get our visas stamped and re - enter on the H status.
Question is: Is there any risk in that? If we go to, say Toronto to get the visa renewal, is there any chance that they would deny him? We have the 797 approvals for all of us. The last thing I want is to get stuck outside the country. I have reason to believe we have been pre adjudicated, if this means anything, and it is possible that if I do nothing it would all work out. However, I do not want to take chances with my kid's future.
Any one have any insight? Would going to Canada and returning on H4 cure his status? And are there any risks to this strategy? Thanks for the insight.
02-18 10:32 PM
Unfortunately, we won't be able to do anything in your wife's matter. The people you are referring to as the ones whose cases got accepted are the ones with bounced checks. There is a difference between the manner in which USCIS treats cases with bounced checks and cases where checks are missing, are in an incorrect amount, there is a mismatch between words and figures in the check, check is not dated, check is not signed, etc.
In the first category, there is prima fascie evidecne that the check is in the proper amount, check is dated, signed, made payable to the proper authority. In those cases, the USCIS considers bounced checks as a matter for collection. The reason that there is a difference is that in the first case, the properly signed check IS NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT AND COMPLETELY VALID UNDER LAW.
In your case, the check was deficient because it put the party (the USCIS/Government) on notice of a defect. A party to whom a defective negotiable instrument is given with notice of the defect does not become a HOLDER IN DUE COURSE (VERY IMPORTANT UNDER THE LAW ). IN OTHER WORDS, THE CHECK LOSES ITS POWER OF NEGOTIABILITY UNDER LAW. Even if the Check is deficient that it does not affect its negotiability ( for example, check is not dated, or the check only contains the amount in words), the party to whom it is presented is under no liability to accept the check. For these reasons, THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR WIFE'S MATTER AND THE EXAMPLES YOU PROVIDE.
For this reason, I advised you to wait until the PD for your category become current again.
I see no harm to take infopass and explain your situation in person.
In the first category, there is prima fascie evidecne that the check is in the proper amount, check is dated, signed, made payable to the proper authority. In those cases, the USCIS considers bounced checks as a matter for collection. The reason that there is a difference is that in the first case, the properly signed check IS NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT AND COMPLETELY VALID UNDER LAW.
In your case, the check was deficient because it put the party (the USCIS/Government) on notice of a defect. A party to whom a defective negotiable instrument is given with notice of the defect does not become a HOLDER IN DUE COURSE (VERY IMPORTANT UNDER THE LAW ). IN OTHER WORDS, THE CHECK LOSES ITS POWER OF NEGOTIABILITY UNDER LAW. Even if the Check is deficient that it does not affect its negotiability ( for example, check is not dated, or the check only contains the amount in words), the party to whom it is presented is under no liability to accept the check. For these reasons, THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR WIFE'S MATTER AND THE EXAMPLES YOU PROVIDE.
For this reason, I advised you to wait until the PD for your category become current again.
I see no harm to take infopass and explain your situation in person.
07-14 02:01 PM
Hopefully so..Thanks
no...They make mistakes..I received an already expired EAD Please call and you do have to reapply.....byt within 120 days of te new EAD you got....right in BOLD about the error so they dont repeat it.
no...They make mistakes..I received an already expired EAD Please call and you do have to reapply.....byt within 120 days of te new EAD you got....right in BOLD about the error so they dont repeat it.
2010 the dark sterling knight
08-18 03:16 PM
Thanks for the replies guys....
The RFE as per my employer is about Vendor/Client Details and a latest paystub from the current job. Since I started working already and was getting paid, my employer generated a paystub and supplied the same.
I think you are in trouble. The USCIS asked for your previous employer's pay stub but you supplied the pay stub from current employer. There is a strong possibility for denial. Then your employment became unauthorized. So hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
The RFE as per my employer is about Vendor/Client Details and a latest paystub from the current job. Since I started working already and was getting paid, my employer generated a paystub and supplied the same.
I think you are in trouble. The USCIS asked for your previous employer's pay stub but you supplied the pay stub from current employer. There is a strong possibility for denial. Then your employment became unauthorized. So hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
02-01 08:44 PM
hair Sterling Knight Shirtless. ramon rodriguez shirtless.
07-07 02:13 PM
How many years of years of W-2 form copies do we need to attach, when we file I-485 applications?
There is no definate answer,but in general lawyers ask for last three W2 with last three paystubs plus last three years returns filing copy.
There is no definate answer,but in general lawyers ask for last three W2 with last three paystubs plus last three years returns filing copy.
06-06 04:15 PM
I used to work to a client in Phx, got an interview request @ a financial firm in New york cleared it and vendor started processin' my H1 transfer. For the interview or for rellocation i wasn't paid anything. But before the start date bcoz of my credit report client rejected my offer.
But the vendor nuthin' in writing was the one who asked me to resign and bcoz of him was on bench for almost 2 1/2 months, now they say somewhere in the contract which says i have to repay all the expenses they spend on me which was close to $5000.
They sent an email sayin' i haven't provided the services to them from the start date indicated on the contract so have to repay them. Will i have to repay them jst bcoz i signed tht piece of the contract but i was rejected by the client, they said they won't try for new jobs i have to search myself as well they haven't paid me anything since they got my H1.
Do i stand any chance if i contact DOL or a lawyer not payin' them.
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
I used to work to a client in Phx, got an interview request @ a financial firm in New york cleared it and vendor started processin' my H1 transfer. For the interview or for rellocation i wasn't paid anything. But before the start date bcoz of my credit report client rejected my offer.
But the vendor nuthin' in writing was the one who asked me to resign and bcoz of him was on bench for almost 2 1/2 months, now they say somewhere in the contract which says i have to repay all the expenses they spend on me which was close to $5000.
They sent an email sayin' i haven't provided the services to them from the start date indicated on the contract so have to repay them. Will i have to repay them jst bcoz i signed tht piece of the contract but i was rejected by the client, they said they won't try for new jobs i have to search myself as well they haven't paid me anything since they got my H1.
Do i stand any chance if i contact DOL or a lawyer not payin' them.
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
hot Sterling+knight+shirtless+photos
06-01 05:13 PM
house Sterling Knight!
06-22 09:57 AM
hemasar....dont give wrong information. Just becuse your colleague said that he got it does not make it a law. Please be prudent in providing correct legal information!
I am just sharing the information of one who got this experience. I am not claiming that is the law. None of us are attorneys. We are not giving any legal advice here. We are just sharing our knowledge and experience. What ever legal suggestions you provide here; are you taking any responsibility for that? No right? Just we are sharing our concerns, knowledge and experience. If you have any solid evidence that says USCIS will accept chest X-ray only after +/- skin test please share with us.
I am just sharing the information of one who got this experience. I am not claiming that is the law. None of us are attorneys. We are not giving any legal advice here. We are just sharing our knowledge and experience. What ever legal suggestions you provide here; are you taking any responsibility for that? No right? Just we are sharing our concerns, knowledge and experience. If you have any solid evidence that says USCIS will accept chest X-ray only after +/- skin test please share with us.
tattoo star Matt Prokop shirtless
10-19 02:10 PM
Interesting thread. For all those who've gotten their hands dirty in the stock market, can you recommend any message boards that conducts healthy discussions for taking advantage of the volatility in the short term. I have looked at yahoo, aol, msn and google and most of them are non sensible discussions without much factual info.
pictures sterling knight 2010. starring

03-24 08:37 PM
just listen to the show - wonderful performance - you were crisp and to the point ... your points on this EB mess and the closing comments were great ... the 2nd caller shows the typical American common man mentality towards EB community ...
Thanks ... wil listen to it from home ...
Thanks ... wil listen to it from home ...
dresses Sterling knight shirtless 17
01-23 06:51 PM
Sorry for little confusion.
What I mean was,
- I filed I-485 for me and my wife
- then after 180 days I switched to a new company with H1B transfer.
- So, I am still in H1B status.
- But my wife (secondary applicant) is using EAD based on I-485 and working.
Which means we used AC21 for portability of our I-140 and I-485 cases.
Now, we are planning to travel home to India. My wife need to use AP and I will still be using H1B visa.
So, my question was, whether there will be issue at Port of Entry when primary applicant(which is me) is still in H1B visa with pending I-485 and my wife is using EAD with AP?
Normally if both have independent valid travel document, you are fine. It does not make any difference if primary use H1B and spouse use AP, but it may confuse the IO at POE, if they ask lot of questions, (who is your employer, Are you working for GC sponsering employer etc..)
IO at POE may not know all the rules regarding AC21/485/AP/H1 etc.. If you are entering in H1, the natural tendency that your spose will enter in H4. If you answer properly, you are fine..
What I mean was,
- I filed I-485 for me and my wife
- then after 180 days I switched to a new company with H1B transfer.
- So, I am still in H1B status.
- But my wife (secondary applicant) is using EAD based on I-485 and working.
Which means we used AC21 for portability of our I-140 and I-485 cases.
Now, we are planning to travel home to India. My wife need to use AP and I will still be using H1B visa.
So, my question was, whether there will be issue at Port of Entry when primary applicant(which is me) is still in H1B visa with pending I-485 and my wife is using EAD with AP?
Normally if both have independent valid travel document, you are fine. It does not make any difference if primary use H1B and spouse use AP, but it may confuse the IO at POE, if they ask lot of questions, (who is your employer, Are you working for GC sponsering employer etc..)
IO at POE may not know all the rules regarding AC21/485/AP/H1 etc.. If you are entering in H1, the natural tendency that your spose will enter in H4. If you answer properly, you are fine..
makeup S.K_4 - Sterling Knight Photo
06-13 08:02 PM
I have asked this question before and have called around 4 reps so far. Do I just leave a message or ask for the Congressman / woman? The receptionists are probably not even writing down the messages.
Hi Aah_GC
I called all the representatives and I thought they were not taking down any thing and way it even useful. basically I was doubting like you did so to one of the aides I asked did he get down the numbers and he just repeated them right back. Also any further doubts I had are cleared now as I see a lot of reps we were targeting actually becoming co-sponsors to these bills. So I would suggest (and urge) you to definitely call every lawmakers in all the 2 calling items. I mean it can never hurt right??
Hi Aah_GC
I called all the representatives and I thought they were not taking down any thing and way it even useful. basically I was doubting like you did so to one of the aides I asked did he get down the numbers and he just repeated them right back. Also any further doubts I had are cleared now as I see a lot of reps we were targeting actually becoming co-sponsors to these bills. So I would suggest (and urge) you to definitely call every lawmakers in all the 2 calling items. I mean it can never hurt right??
girlfriend Sterling Knight!
06-08 07:59 PM
I don't live in the tri-state...
I have my W-2's from 99 and 00 so no need to call the University.
What I dont have is the actual return (1040nr) which I "mailed" at that time.
Who in the world makes copies of a tax form that was actually mailed. Oh, and kept it for 9 years!!!
You mention that you had graduate assistantship in 1999-2000 on F1. This means that you were paid for this assistantship , in terms of bi-weekly or monthly paycheck, correct? And you did file returns for that year as well as obviously you have W2.
So you may even have another effort to convince the IO that the W2 that you are providing is in fact because you worked as graduate assistant on-campus which is allowed being on F1 for the first 9 months of F1 and that you did not take any illegal work authorization. This should be obvious from employer name on W2 which is most likely the university. But make sure whoever is your attorney is , they make this point clear.
I have my W-2's from 99 and 00 so no need to call the University.
What I dont have is the actual return (1040nr) which I "mailed" at that time.
Who in the world makes copies of a tax form that was actually mailed. Oh, and kept it for 9 years!!!
You mention that you had graduate assistantship in 1999-2000 on F1. This means that you were paid for this assistantship , in terms of bi-weekly or monthly paycheck, correct? And you did file returns for that year as well as obviously you have W2.
So you may even have another effort to convince the IO that the W2 that you are providing is in fact because you worked as graduate assistant on-campus which is allowed being on F1 for the first 9 months of F1 and that you did not take any illegal work authorization. This should be obvious from employer name on W2 which is most likely the university. But make sure whoever is your attorney is , they make this point clear.
hairstyles Sterling Knight looks outta
06-12 06:04 PM
Looks like msingh is an anti immigrant from loser’s guild and not a real singh/sikh or even remotely asian-indian.
msingh is right now on googling to find out who is manmohan. :D
Paaji msingh, Try contacting Manmohan Singh.
msingh is right now on googling to find out who is manmohan. :D
Paaji msingh, Try contacting Manmohan Singh.
08-14 04:04 PM
Just now my lawyer called to tell that she got all my receipts , filed on july 2nd but my wifes application was rejected for "insufficient filing fees", I had put in a single check for $745 , how can this be, it was both in the same fedex packet, she says it is some "mailroom error", so she sent back the application with a letter and my receipt copy to accept. My app also had a $745 check and that was receipted,
Has this happned to anyone, please respond , i am wondering if what my lawyer did was correct, pls share your experiences.
I am really sorry for you, buddy. This is a stupid mistake by USCIS. Atleast they rejected your wife's application before Aug 17th so now you can refile. But I would advise you to send separate checks now. Even if EAD or AP applications are not properly filed, they will atleast accept I-485 if you send separate checks.
Has this happned to anyone, please respond , i am wondering if what my lawyer did was correct, pls share your experiences.
I am really sorry for you, buddy. This is a stupid mistake by USCIS. Atleast they rejected your wife's application before Aug 17th so now you can refile. But I would advise you to send separate checks now. Even if EAD or AP applications are not properly filed, they will atleast accept I-485 if you send separate checks.
04-13 10:12 AM
Thanks a lot, people!
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